Goodbye (for now!) ๐Ÿ‘‹

Pausing SiteSee to pursue a new creative project.

Hey friends,

This is bittersweet.

I wanted to let you know that Iโ€™m putting the SiteSee newsletter on pause for a little while as I dive into a new creative project.

You know how much I love writing and self-reflection. Well, I've decided to lean into that passion by launching a brand new newsletter called Pocketbook Prompts

Each day, I'll be sending out a thought-provoking journal prompt to help spark inspiration and self-discovery. My goal is to curate a warm, intimate space focused on nurturing self-growth. It's going to feel like your comfy corner nook for going inward and getting to know yourself on a deeper level.

If that sounds like something you'd be into, I'd love for you to join me! The first prompt drops on May 1st, so you've got some time to treat yourself to a cute new journal if you want. 

Just click here to sign up.

This nomadic community means so much to me. You've all been such a supportive, loving crew. I'm grateful to keep evolving alongside you as I start this next chapter. ๐Ÿซถ

Season 10 Hug GIF by Friends

With love,


P.S. Donโ€™t worry, the SiteSee website will still be around for you to peruse! You can pop over there anytime to check out product reviews and my latest curated round-ups. ๐Ÿ˜Œ